Saturday, March 8, 2014

Photography growth

I know it's been awhile since my last post.  Stop judging me.  At least it hasn't been over a year!

So far this year has been fantastic!  I've booked a wedding, I've had two photo shoots in studios, and helped create a group of creative artists get together for monthly photo sessions.  We got models, fellow photogs, and makeup artists.  I'm very excited for the coming months.  Speaking of which, if you have checked us out yet, do so here.

I've met some great people in the past month.  I try to take each session as a learning experience.  Sometimes I learn what not to do.  I got very frustrated with myself during a natural light studio experience.  A lot of the shots I took were unusable because I forgot a basic rule in photography.  You can't really hand hold a camera at anything below 1/60 shutter speed and  get sharp pictures.  Well, I can't anyway.  Even then it's hit or miss on the sharpness of the photo.  But I try to look at it as a growth lesson.  I know from now on, I need to have the shutter at 1/60th or higher or the image will be unusable.

I'm pretty excited about the upcoming year, I've got shoots scheduled until April, my first wedding, and tentative plans through the summer.  I've also got my website almost finished.  All in all a great start to 2014.